+44 (0)1903 882954 admin@arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk

Congratulations to Kyle Burton who was awarded the Young Persons Commendation Award at last night’s Community Awards Evening at Arundel Town Council. Kyle was nominated by his Head Teacher Andrew Simpson for being a positive influence on others. In particular Andrew said, ‘Kyle has been a positive role model and influence on children in his class when they have been having challenges, he has spent time collecting litter at the weekend in the local woods around school and inspired by our worship he decided that he would save his pocket money to help the various charities we support.’

The Town Council would also like to congratulate those that were nominated: Merryn Bradley, Louise Figg, Daisy Jenkins, Isobel Johnson and Isla & Olivia Pearson, and thank them for their contribution to the community.

Thanks to Charlie Waring for the wonderful photos showing Kyle receiving his award from the Mayor.
