+44 (0)1903 882954 admin@arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk

Arundel Town Council

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance & Accountability Return Please see attached: http://www.arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk/saaa-notice-of-public-rights-30-june-22/


Please be advised that the below roads are due to be closed on the dates and times specified. An alternative route for traffic will be signed on site.  Please note that these works are weather dependant, WSCC will endeavour to inform you should there be significant changes to the programme. Road NameLocationDate (from and to)Timing [...]

Terms of Reference for 2022-23

At ATC's June Full Council meeting the Terms of Reference (2022-23) for ATC’s Tree Wardens, Flood Advisor and Planning Advisor were approved. These can be viewed below: Tree Wardens Terms of Reference 2022-23Flood Advisor Terms of Reference 2022-23Planning Advisor Terms of Reference 2022-23

Preliminary works start on northern section of the A284 Lyminster Bypass

Preliminary works have started on the project to build the northern section of the A284 Lyminster Bypass. The works include: Initial archaeological investigationsInstalling the surface for the main works compound areaWidening the entranceway to the compound area, off Lyminster Road For the safety of both the workforce and public, traffic management will be needed, with [...]

Arundel Town Crier Awarded at Guild Championships

Arundel’s celebrated Town Crier, Angela Standing, was a prize winner at The Ancient & Honourable Guild of Town Criers (AHGTC) Championship held in Bognor Regis last weekend. Competing against Town Criers from all over England and one international visitor from Canada, Angela scooped up third prize, as awards were given based on diction, inflection, clarity, [...]