The Maison Dieu has been out of bounds for some months as a result of deterioration in its condition. Arun District Council have been working on gaining relevant consent and have appointed Heritage Architects and consultants, and have subsequently procured the necessary remedial works in order to secure the future of the ancient ruins at this important location.
As this is both a sensitive and specialist project, it is planned for works to start in the better weather months due to the traditional materials being used in the repairs.
The intention is for works to commence early May 2022. The works are anticipated to take circa 7 to 8 weeks to complete. Given the preparatory works completed and the age and nature of the structure ADC hope that additional works will not be necessary but this remains an obvious risk.
When setting up the site it will be necessary to extend the current Herras Fencing to form a larger area in order to provide a safe construction site and allow for the storage of materials and any necessary site welfare etc. The exact layout has not yet been agreed but ADC expect this to be identified nearer the time and will share this with us.
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