+44 (0)1903 882954 admin@arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk

During these unprecedented times, we are fortunate enough to have pro-active local community groups who are delivering outstanding work to look after the immediate needs of vulnerable people here in Arundel and the surrounding villages.

Since January, the newly formed Arundel Festival Committee, a group of like-minded volunteers – many of us Arundel residents – have been working together behind the scenes towards the common goal of promoting an inclusive and community-driven Festival experience. Collectively, they take enormous pride in being part of this caring, community- minded town which has been ready to support those in time of need. 

Whilst we continue to follow Government guidelines and proactively explore potential strategies and solutions to bring you an appropriate, feasible, scaled-down Festival; we are mindful that these are difficult and uncertain times for us all and our immediate priority is to assist the most vulnerable and those less fortunate than ourselves. 

The Festival Committee had already chosen its charity partner to benefit from this year’s festival; The Trussell Trust: Ending UK Hunger. www.trusselltrust.org 

“The Trussell Trust supports a nationwide network of food banks and provides emergency food and support to people locked into poverty”

As you can imagine, due to recent isolation measures the food banks need our support now more than ever, and the Festival Committee are asking if you can assist in whatever way possible.

If you have a little to spare to help those less fortunate, please visit the TT website which gives up to date information on donating: www.trusselltrust.org/coronavirus-food-banks/

For further information:

Sharon Blaikie, Festival Committee Chair: sharon@landonsounds.com or secretary@arundelfestival.co.uk
