West Sussex County Council proposes to make a permanent Traffic Regulation Order that will amend the waiting restrictions on various roads in Arundel as follows:
Fitzalan Road – to extend the double yellow lines on the south side of the road westwards to the turning area opposite no. 50 Fitzalan Road; and
Tarrant Street – to remove the present 1 hour limited waiting restriction on the south side of the road between its junctions with Brewery Hill and Arun Street to allow un-restricted parking; and
The Causeway – to change the present 1 hour limited waiting restriction on the western side of the road, south of the Police Station, to a 2 hour limited waiting restriction, no return within 2 hours 9am to 5pm Mon-Sat.
Below is a link to the TRO Team’s consultation web page, containing plans showing the new restrictions, the public notice, statement of reasons for proposing the Order, and the draft Order itself. I should be grateful if you could accept this message as the formal consultation on the proposed new Order. If you wish to make any comments or objections to the scheme, please make them to martin.moore@westsussex.gov.uk by e-mail before 13 December 2018.
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