+44 (0)1903 882954 admin@arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk

Working with the Arundel Bee Project, our Tree Wardens and members of the Environment Working Group, the Council are proposing to erect refurbished planters in various locations across the town centre.

Prototype refurbished planter located in the Pollinators Garden, Mill Road, Spring 2022

These planters, when approved, will be planted with pollinator-friendly plants and herbs to support Arundel’s Bee Friendly Town status.

The first stage of this proposal is to apply for a licence from West Sussex County Council covering the proposed planter locations. Notices will be issued by WSCC and placed in the approximate locations for a 28 day consultation period. The consultation period and process for commenting will be confirmed in due course.

A map and photographs showing the proposed approximate locations can be downloaded below. The final location of each planter will follow WSCC guidelines to ensure a minimum of 1.2m of usable footway is always available.
