+44 (0)1903 882954 admin@arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk

Arundel Town Council is looking for someone with planning experience who would like to help to safeguard the town from inappropriate development and ensure that all local development benefits Arundel. The role of Planning Advisor would entail considering proposals that emanate from a variety of sources (government, West Sussex County Council, Arun District Council and commercial organisations) and to support both the Council and its Planning Advisory Committee (“PAC”) in identifying the implications for Arundel and the appropriate action that the Council should take. The role is unpaid, though out-of-pocket expenses may be reimbursed, and the Planning Advisor would be expected to attend some of the PAC monthly meetings, and, when appropriate, to make recommendations to the Full Council.

For some years Arundel Town Council has benefitted from having a specialist Flood Advisor, who has been instrumental in securing the Environment Agency investment for the town’s flood defences, and a Tree Advisor who has advised the council on all matters to do with planting and green spaces, and believes that the right person could make a similar valuable contribution to the Council’s work.

If you are interested in volunteering your time to this role please contact Carolyn Baynes, Town Clerk at townclerk@arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk for further information by Friday 30th October 2020.
