The Met Office has issued a Level 3 Heat Health Alert.
There is a 90% probability of Heat-Health criteria being met between 1200 on Thursday and 0900 on Sunday in parts of England |
View the full warning at the Met Office Heat Health Watch site.
Heatwave and Covid-19
Please note that additional information and tips for Covid-19 and hot weather has been issued by the government.
- Fans should not be used in offices as this could increase the spread of infection. Remember that fans are ineffective in temperatures above 35°C and cause increased dehydration
- Open windows and use blinds to help regulate temperature
- Staff wearing PPE should keep hydrated, change masks regularly (especially if damp) and ensure that their own wellbeing is maintained
- Paracetamol (and aspirin) may be used to manage COVID-related symptoms but it is recommended that they are not used solely to reduce body temperature. Always consult your pharmacist, GP or NHS 111 for advice
- Keep cool and hydrated by regularly sipping cold water-based drinks and avoid alcohol
- Use sponges or cloths made damp by cold water to help control your temperature
- Close blinds and curtains to help control the temperature of your home
- Check on the wellbeing of vulnerable friends and family who may be shielding or who are isolated. Remember to observe social distancing guidance social distancing guidance
The full guidance including posters and leaflet material that can be downloaded can be found on the Government website here.
What are the potential impacts?
The very young, the elderly and the seriously ill are the groups who are particularly at risk of health problems when the weather is very hot. In particular, very hot weather can make heart and breathing problems worse.
Advice: Look out for others, especially older people, young children and babies and those with underlying health conditions. Close curtains on rooms that face the sun to keep indoor spaces cooler and remember it may be cooler outdoors than indoors. Drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol, dress appropriately for the weather and slow down when it is hot.
Advice on how to reduce the risk can be obtained from the Heatwave Plan for England page, from your doctor or local chemist, or ring NHS 111.
For more information
- NHS Choices Heatwave: be prepared
- WSCC Dealing with extreme weather
- WSCC Preparing for emergencies
- Follow WSCC on Twitter for regular updates @WSCCNews and @WSCCResilience
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