Sunday 17 September saw the Arundel community come together for an annual Ecumenical Service of Thanksgiving at Arundel Cathedral hosted by the Mayor of Arundel, Tony Hunt.
Despite the torrential rain in the morning, the service was preceded by a procession through the town led by the Band of TS Implacable NTC and the Arundel and Littlehampton Scout Band. Stopping at the Town Hall, the bands were greeted by a party comprising the Sompting Village Morris and the visiting Kentish Romney Marsh Morris, who formed a Guard of Honour with their sticks as the Mayor, Town Crier, Macebearer, Town Clerk and Councillors left the Town Hall.
Young Standard bearers from the town’s Scouting and Guiding groups formed a Guard of Honour at the entrance to the Cathedral.
Mayor Tony Hunt said: “Pupils from ACE and St. Philip’s read pieces that they wrote for the occasion with great assurance, and the combined school choirs sang beautifully. It adds so much to our community life in Arundel to have the schools so engaged in all the events of the town.”
“I believe that the Mayor’s Service is the occasion each year when I can say a sincere thank you to the people who make Arundel a wonderful place to live in because of the unpaid contribution that they make to our community.”
The Mayor’s Service provides an opportunity for charitable donations and we would like to thank all those who donated to the bucket collections during the procession or at the service to the Mayor’s chosen charities in 2023 – Keep Me Breathing and Home-Start: Arun, Worthing and Adur.
Photography by Charlie Waring
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