The continuation of the popular monthly Farmers Market in Arundel has been secured, thanks to the support of both Arundel Town Council and Arun District Council.
The Town Council took over the market in 2019 at a time when it was in decline, with only 23 traders attending each month and a dwindling number of shoppers. Now the market is flourishing, with more than 50 traders each month. However, all this was under threat because Arundel has been renting the traders’ stalls from Adur District Council which now needs the equipment for another market in its own district.
Arundel Mayor, Tony Hunt, said that the Town Council had dismissed an option of hiring new stalls from a commercial company as it would have meant passing on those high costs to stall-holders, with a real risk that many of them would have ceased to come to the market.
“Buying stalls was the obvious option, although a financial stretch for the Town Council. Thankfully generous grants from Arun District Council totalling £20,000 have enabled us to purchase new stalls as well as fund a suitable container to house them in.” The new container, with a finish to blend in with the surrounding area, will be installed in Crown Yard car park on Wednesday 15 December. Having the new stalls sited within the town will hugely simplify the set up process on market day for the band of dedicated volunteers who work to make the market a success each month.
The Mayor said: “Arundel Farmers Market enables people to buy fresh, high-quality local produce and speak to the producers. Residents and visitors alike have welcomed the chance to shop locally in Arundel, in the open air, for a wider range of goods. This influx of shoppers has benefitted Arundel High Street, as shoppers have stayed on for a coffee or for lunch or visited local shops.”
“This is another great example of Arundel Town Council and Arun District Council working together in the interests of our community.”
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