Drop-In Event
The next drop-in event is scheduled for Monday 4 December in Arundel Museum. The event will take place between 12pm-2:30pm.
Arundel Tidal Walls Scheme Construction Work for Weeks commencing 13 November and 20 November
Following the removal of the scour protection placed at the frontage of Tarrant Wharf at the end of last week, the site team began to clear the debris from the pile line. After a successful weekend of work, significant progress was made to clear the rubble. It is now anticipated that piling will recommence on Wednesday 15 November. Depending on conditions such as tide, weather and piling impacts, we expect the piling to take up to a week to complete. Piling can occur between the hours of 08:00 – 18:00 from Monday to Friday. During piling, there will be a minimum of 90 minutes break time each day. It has been agreed with the Environmental Health Officer that work can occur on Saturday 18 November and Sunday 19 November if needed. Following the completion of the piling, the backfilling behind the sheet piles is scheduled to begin during the week commencing November 20.
Please visit the EA’s Arundel Tidal Walls Scheme page for more information and all the latest newsletters. Click here https://consult.environment-agency.gov.uk/solent-and-south-downs/atws-phase2-info-page/?fbclid=IwAR1Hx_StnvrX-VWqma5BY3awGSoztqGHfSrDJCyBt4WR-LQ3nJ20TKaBHMA
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