Latest Update from the Environment Agency:
River wall improvement works
Now that the installation of steel sheet piles over the full extent is complete, our priority now is to provide additional stability to the overall construction.
This week, the two large cranes used to install the steel sheet piles were removed from site. These have been replaced with smaller cranes more suitable for the next phase of works.
Further significant and complex engineering works from the river are scheduled until August 2020. These activities include the installation of waling beams (to allow to spread the load on sheet piles) and ground anchors (long support bracket which will be drilled through the new river wall to the land behind).
We will continue our routine site monitoring activities during the next phase of construction. Structural surveyors visited the site this week. We are currently reviewing information gathered. This will help us plan any further measures that may need to put in place to continue to safeguard the weaker sections of river wall.
We will continue to work with those most affected to clarify our plans to repair and reinstate the landward side as more information is known.
Forecast for next week
At the start of next week, waling beams will be installed to further support the newly constructed steel sheet piled wall. Work will also continue to extend existing drainage pipes on the landward side (to drain through new outlets to the river).
At the end of next week, preparations will start in advance of works to install the ground anchors. This will require specialist ground anchor equipment to be sited on the jack up barge.
It remains the case that our contractor will need to make adjustments to their programme of activities (sometimes at short notice) in order to ensure the works remain on schedule and are completed as efficiently as possible.
Embankment raising South of the A27
There will continue to be periodic deliveries of site equipment and materials to and from the site compound at Fitzalan Road, as concrete and wooden boards continue to be fitted to the required level for flood protection. Some residents have asked why some boards have been removed and then replaced (sometimes at different places or heights). This is because localised adjustments need to ensure that the new structure is built to the required design parameters. It is important that the finished height is acceptable from a public health and safety perspective as well as providing the required level of flood protection. This means you will sometimes see an (appropriate) pause of activity when site engineers need to assess particular sections of new boards. There will continue to be increased construction activity on the opposite side of the river. Operatives are working at this location in preparation of embankment raising, similar to that on the opposite bank, over the coming period. This work will include vegetation cutting and the installation of safety fencing. Please be aware that the river bank footpath will be closed (from the A27 road bridge to the Windmill on the adjacent river bank) until the end of September 2020.
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