During the Great War commemorations, Arundel Museum has been the grateful recipient of funds from the Heritage Lottery Fund to support three projects which are brought together in the town for the centenary of the Armistice on 11th November 2018.
Until lunchtime on November 8th the Arundel in the Great War exhibition panels can be viewed at the Cathedral, St Nicholas Church, Town Hall and Museum. Between November 9th and 13th all of the exhibition panels will come together at the Museum, where details of many names, locations, employers and voluntary organisations from some 100 years ago can be viewed. Stories of service, loss, determination, ingenuity and compassion are set out for all to reflect on.
A great many people have played a part over a period of five years, collecting images, documents, words and memories to be shared with the community. Entrance to the exhibition is free, please make a visit.
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